Thursday, 25 April 2013

Workshop Idea Kevin Roberts

Introduction to Animoto 

This course would be designed primarily for older people who already have a reasonable knowledge of computing and be part of taster sessions that we are already running in North East Wales.  Essentially it would be rolled out to people who might benefit from 'second click' level training.

As Animoto is necessarily a simple application to use the sessions would last no more than an hour - as such they would need to be part of an overall package rather than the entirety.

It would address two main themes in that digital photography and video would be introduced in a fun and simple manner. It would give individuals a tangible use for their computers and enable them to show their photographs and videos in a more dynamic manner.

The kit needed would be a group of computers with internet access to Animoto (this could be C2.0 public engagement devices).  We would also need to use projector to enable us to impart the information onto screen for a larger group. We would require a main deliverer and one or two staff or volunteers.

Our outcomes would be specific in that, by the end of the session

  •  Delegates would be able to log onto Animoto (having registered).
  • They would have produced a free 30 second Animoto presentation using either appropriate personal or pre-supplied photographs.
These outcomes will be achieved by showing an Animoto video and showing how it was made using video and live demonstration and then allowing individuals to replicate the procedures with assistance from staff and volunteers.

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