Thursday, 25 April 2013

Multimedia Project: Pass I.T. On

During next month's Adult Learners Week, Get online Wrexham Flintshire will lauch 'Pass I.T. On', a new workshop for people who want to share basic I.T. skills with others.

The workshop offers a cost-effective, simple way to reach digitally excluded people who need or want to learn in their own surroundings, from someone they know well, as opposed to attending one of our group sessions.  The workshop requires limited resources - a PC, internet access, projector, suitable venue.

I have created a Google site which acts as a resouse for both workshop facilitators and benificiaries.    It draws the content together in one place for ease of delivery, and hosts lots of hints, tips and guides for attendees to use as a tool kit.

Access the site here.

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