A workshop for people who utilse social media to reach their audiance, e.g elected council members, charities, voluntary organisations, public bodies.
It will address branding and online identity, net-etiquite and laws surrounding online content, e.g. tweets, posts.
The workshop will be a combination of 'chalk and talk' - presentations, media footage - and group work to explore any preconceptions and misconceptions of social networking - advantages, disadvantages, moderation - and to examine some case studies surrounding relevant media laws.
This workshop can be delivered with limited resources - a suitable venue, PC with internet connection, flip charts/paper and pens for group work, and a projector. Preparatory research is needed to source appropraite case studies.
Benificaries should leave the workshop feeling more confident about their online presence and with a better understanding of their rights and limitiations.
An Immersive 5 day (3+2) Digital, Practitioner, Digital Leader Programme for Professionals and Others Seeking to increase Digital Participation and Inclusion run by Sangeet Bhullar from Digital and People/ WISE KIDS
- About
- Google Sites Notes
- Day 1 Exercise 1
- Day 1: Learning and Ideas
- Participants
- Day 2 Video Ideas
- Useful videos
- Day 3 Group MindMap Ideas
- Day 3 Session Ideas
- Twitter List of Participants
- Multimedia Projects
- Day 4: Internet Safety Issues
- Day 4 E-security videos
- Day 5 Feedback
- Day 5 Workshop Ideas
- Day 6 Mapping Internet Guidelines Gap
- Developments
Thursday, 25 April 2013
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