Thursday, 25 April 2013

Alex Fairclough's Evaluation interview

Pete Fuller Evaluation interview

Chris Ablett - Course Evaluation

Feedback on Five Day Training Event

Mel Salisbury course evaluation

Kevin Roberts Course Evaluation

This is the evaluation feedback from my five day course.

Possible Workshop - Choosing your Audience of your Profile Page on Facebook

My target audience for this would be a small group of 'extra care residents'. The duration of the session would be up to 2 hours as it would involve not just group discussion but one-to-one help guiding them through the process. The session could be followed up briefly at later sessions with further help. The equipment needed for the session would be: . Access to the internet. . one or more of the following per person - pc, laptop, ipad, mob phone . Facebook account and profile. I will let the residents know the week before hand that we will be learning how to limit their Facebook audience on their account, and ask them to bring along their normal and preferred equipment for accessing the internet. I will initially ensure that all those wishing to be a member of Facebook have an account/profile and know their passwords. Most of the residents have access to Facebook and have a profile already, which they or a member of their family has set up for them, but they are still learning security and settings, and want to restrict their accounts to family and friends only, as some have been getting requests for friendship from people they dont know, which confuses them and makes them feel uncomfortable using Facebook. I will show them how to go into their privacy/security settings, explain the edit button, and then explain the differences of having their account open to the public to view, open to friends only, open to family only or even if they wish open to themselves only. This would restrict contact from strangers and limit the amount of newsfeed and make their account more manageable.

workshop Idea

Work with Unllais Cymru and Gwynedd Digidol ( a council lead initiative ) on Engaging with Community Councils to try and get them to grasp the opportunity of developing websites. This follows on from the recent release of £3.5 million by the Assembly government to local authorities to fund community council websites.

Target Audience - Community Councils.
Duration - presentation at area Unllais meetings and community council meetings.
Themes to be addressed - Democracy, transparancy,
Kit Needed - Prezi, laptop, projector
How will I do it? - by using the above

Workshop Idea by Gwenan

Target Audience - Unemployed
Duration - 3, 2 hour sessions
Themes addressed - Internet browsing, email, job search
Kit Needed - Internet connection, Laptops, Projector, Notepads
Outcomes - To help the unemployed to browse the web confidently, send emails, and search and apply for jobs through the new Universal Job search system.
How - Collaborate with agencies who help the unemployed e.g Job Center, Agoriad and ask them to get a group of up to 10 people who haven't got access to the internet or do not know how to use a computer. Run 3 workshops at a central location within the community, e.g Pwllheli. The 1st will concentrate on internet browsing, 2nd on email, and 3rd on Universal Job Search system.

Day 5 feedback

What have you learned - I've learned about a number of programs I did not know of before and the possibilities of their being used in a gestalt way.

Two insights gained - The ease of use of programs that can achieve very professional results, eg Blogger. The interconectivity of programs and apps, eg Twitter feed on a Blog, linking a YouTube video to a Google Sites website.

How will the training impact your practice - It will provide me with a wider range of tools to use in tutoring sessions.

Any other comments/suggestions for improvement - A very well presented and constructed session.

Workshopidea - Craig Hughes Anglesey

2 Day course: how to use Facebook for community groups and organisations
·         How to create a basic Facebook page
·         How to customise a Facebook Page
·         How to add friends and promote the Facebook page
·         Facebook Security – the pitfalls and common errors
Resources required:
·         PC’s with Internet access for each participant
·         Paper-based notes to accompany the sessions
·         YouTube video account
·         YouTube video clips for each session topic – to be used by students and other users
·         Attendees will be able to create a Facebook page from new
·         Attendees will be able to update/edit/add images and video clips to their Facebook pages in order to promote their individual groups/organisations
·         Attendees will be confident at setting security settings for their pages
The sessions will use Facebook, screen-grabs, and video clips in order to take the members through the process on a step by step basis.

Pete workshop idea

Targeting: individuals either working in or for partner organisations.

Theme: internet saftey and security

Duration: short 10 to 15 min

Delivery: face to face using projector to demonstrate or additionallyusing screen cast guide

Outcome:to lessen fear of online threats and empower users to make common sense choices online

Aim:to add as a resourse to my technical support website for the project and to deliver in support of the outreach workers courses.

Alex's Workshop Idea

My workshop idea is to design an intergenerational workshop called:
'Take your parent/grandparent to school day'.

The workshop will have two parts:

  • First part will involve a workshop with the junior class, teaching them how to use a PC. Many of the pupils will already know this, but it will reiterate what pupils already know and bring them all to the same level.
  • Second part will involve the pupils inviting their parents/grandparents to school, where the pupils will then teach the adults how to use the computer. They will effectively be delivering a 'First Click' style training to them.
This could also be extended to specific workshops using specific applications, eg. Paint, Wordsearch creators, video editing, etc.

Target audience - although much of the work is carried out by the pupils, the target audience will actually be the parents/grandparents. They will feel obliged to take part as it is a 'school project'. :p

Duration - 2 half day sessions.

Kit - one computer per child/parent.

Internet safety workshop: You are what you tweet

A workshop for people who utilse social media to reach their audiance, e.g elected council members, charities, voluntary organisations, public bodies.

It will address branding and online identity, net-etiquite and laws surrounding online content, e.g. tweets, posts.

The workshop will be a combination of 'chalk and talk' - presentations, media footage - and group work to explore any preconceptions and misconceptions of social networking - advantages, disadvantages, moderation - and to examine some case studies surrounding relevant media laws.

This workshop can be delivered with limited resources - a suitable venue, PC with internet connection, flip charts/paper and pens for group work, and a projector.  Preparatory research is needed to source appropraite case studies.

Benificaries should leave the workshop feeling more confident about their online presence and with a better understanding of their rights and limitiations.

Workshop Idea - Chris Ablett

I will work with young people in a creative manner to produce something using multi-media and the internet. Target Audience: Young people 14-25 Duration: It would range from 1session to several depending on the young people Theme: Promoting creative uses of multi-media Kit: Cameras (Phones), video editing softmare, animation apps etc! Outcomes: Young people will have different options to be creative using multi media and the internet. How will I do this? Session plan: Introduction - 'Back to basis'. What is the internet? What do you use it for? Showcase: Show a variety of options of how to be creative using technology and the internet. DVD (Volunteering DVD) Animation Digital Stories Ideas: Come up with the subject matter The method you are going to use (Eg. digital story) Creating - Begin creating the final piece!

Steve Robinson - Workshop idea

My workshop is a quick introduction to staying safe online.

Workshop will be targeted at new computer/web users

Session to last approx 1 hour

This will look at online threats such as email scams and phishing and how to identify possible threats.

Equipment required, preferably a computer per student, but could get away with just one and a projector.

Outcomes are to make new computer users aware of common scams and how to identify them.

This would be delivered in a computer suite with a projector showing examples on the screen and advising people of the potential threats online.

How to Supermarket Shop on line.

The aim is to produce a visual learning session, initially with the tutor, but something that can be used to recap by themselves later.

Target Audience - Student one-to-one but could be used in a group setting

Duration - one hour - use video clip alongside face to face tuition

Themes - Online Shopping

Kit needed - Laptop/PC - Video software - Still pictures - Voice over

Outcomes - To enable student to learn how to shop on line.

Workshop Idea Kevin Roberts

Introduction to Animoto 

This course would be designed primarily for older people who already have a reasonable knowledge of computing and be part of taster sessions that we are already running in North East Wales.  Essentially it would be rolled out to people who might benefit from 'second click' level training.

As Animoto is necessarily a simple application to use the sessions would last no more than an hour - as such they would need to be part of an overall package rather than the entirety.

It would address two main themes in that digital photography and video would be introduced in a fun and simple manner. It would give individuals a tangible use for their computers and enable them to show their photographs and videos in a more dynamic manner.

The kit needed would be a group of computers with internet access to Animoto (this could be C2.0 public engagement devices).  We would also need to use projector to enable us to impart the information onto screen for a larger group. We would require a main deliverer and one or two staff or volunteers.

Our outcomes would be specific in that, by the end of the session

  •  Delegates would be able to log onto Animoto (having registered).
  • They would have produced a free 30 second Animoto presentation using either appropriate personal or pre-supplied photographs.
These outcomes will be achieved by showing an Animoto video and showing how it was made using video and live demonstration and then allowing individuals to replicate the procedures with assistance from staff and volunteers.

Workshop Idea Dafydd Gwynedd

Worksop title - How to use Windows Movie Maker

Target audience - People who haven't used the program before

Duration - One hour

What themes will you address - How to create a movie using their personal photographs

What kit if any do you need - PC, Windows Movie Maker, learners photographs, Creative Commons music

What outcomes do you want - For the learner to be able to use the program to make short films using their photographs

How will you do this - A one hour one-to-one workshop where the program is demonstrated and explained, then the learner will use the program to make the film with as much support as required

End of day 5 - 2 Tasks

Day 5 Task: Create a blog post with the labels: your name, your region, workshopidea on a possible workshop that you can run. Answer the following questions:
·       Target Audience
·       Duration
·       What themes will you address
·       What kit if any do you need
·       What outcomes do you want
·       How will you do this?
Task Blog post: video/audio evaluation of the first 5 days answering: (please label with your name, region, day5feedback)
·       What have you learned?
·       Two insights gained
·       How will the training impact on your practice
·       Any other comments/ suggestions for improvement 

You and the internet part 2

the triple a teams video   (at last)

'Closed Group' for Residents of an Extra Care Residency

My project is to enable residents of an extra care home to use a 'closed group' so that they can 'meet' and communicate as friends online in a private environment to themselves. This would help them if for any reason they would not wish to join them in their community lounge area of their accommodation. eg if they were feeling under the weather. It would mean that they would not feel 'cut-off' in their private accommodation and would still feel part of the group. So far I have been helping them understand the advantages and disadvantages of a 'closed group' on facebook and also facebook as a whole. Explaining to them safety procedures, helping them upload profile photographs of themselves. I have also chatted with one of the residents to ask if she would like to act as 'admin' for the group, which would help limit the members to residents only.

e-security video by Pete, Steve, Gwenan and Dafydd

Gwenan's Multimedia Project Idea

My aim is to create a blog containing information on the LlÅ·n Peninsula Digital Inclusion Project. At the moment the blog contains information about the project, list of free courses, contact details and a news feed. I'm going to create bilingual screen casts on 'how to get online', 'how to create an email address', 'internet security', and 'social networking'. My intention is to create a 'follow up' resource for beneficiaries that have attended courses or one to one sessions, and to help users that cannot attend courses/one to ones to make the most of digital technology from their homes.

Here's the link!

Here's the link for my inter-generational project with pupils from Ysgol Crud y Werin, Aberdaron.

Internet Security,

created by Kent, Kevin, Craig and Alex highlighting internet scams and scams in general.

Dafydd's multimedia project

I created an advert targeting people who were IT literate and who could refer the end user  to us and a guide to making QR codes.

QR codes.

QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional bar code) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan.

A QR code is read by an imaging device, such as a camera, and formatted algorithmically by underlying software using Reed-Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. Data is then extracted from patterns present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image. As a variety of industries utilize the QR code today, the applications for use can vary from product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management and general marketing purposes.

URLs aided marketing conversion rates even in the pre-smartphone era but during those years faced several limitations: ad viewers usually had to type the URL and often did not have a web browser in front of them at the moment they viewed the ad. The chances were high that they would forget to visit the site later, not bother to type a URL, or forget what URL to type. Friendly URLs decreased these risks but did not eliminate them. Some of these disadvantages to URL conversion rates are fading away now that smartphones are putting web access and voice recognition in constant reach. Thus an advert viewer need only reach for his or her phone and speak the URL, at the moment of ad contact, rather than remember to type it into a PC later.


How to make a QR code image for an URL.

You should see the following page:
2) Copy the URL you want the code to take you to:

3) Paste the URL into the text area in box number 2:
4) Now click the  button.

The grey QR code image in box number 3:


Should now have a preview image of your QR code in black:


5) Now select the size you want your QR code to be from box 4:


6) And finally left click on the ‘Download Image’ icon and click save on the window that opens:
And then choose which folder to save it in.

Alex's multimedia project


My first project was creating a blog for the Denbighshire project - DDD (Digital Denbighshire Digidol). This blog is primarily for promoting the project publicly, and is also for gaining feedback from former beneficiaries. We have been tweeting about the blog and using it as a tool for keeping people informed about course dates and venues, and what kind of courses we can provide. It is working as we have 470 views in a few weeks....
This is the blog -

My second project was to create a facebook group for beneficiaries. This group is by invitation only and beneficiaries will learn how to use facebook as part of their training, and then join the group. The purpose of the group is as a self help page - so they can post problems they are having with their PC's or certain software, and then other group members can reply solutions. It encourages people to interact socially with beneficiaries from other sessions across the county, reinforces their learning, and provides a wealth of knowledge and diversity across the group.... we haven't run a facebook session yet but when we do their will obviously be people in the group asking questions and things.....
This is the facebook help page -

The final project was a resource for a session. The idea behind it is to get people using computers by tapping into what their interests are. Some people would like to learn a musical instrument but may not have the money for lessons. I learnt how to play guitar using the internet but found I had to flick between several resources to find the best info, so i have created this site to collate this info and embed videos, etc, to avoid having to seek info from elsewhere. It is a working progress but this is it below.....
This is the learn2play website -

AND if you have any poorly teddy bears that need fixing - dont put them in the bin, ending their lives, and increasing landfill - send them to me and i will fix them and forward them to one of our supporting charities - Joshua's Boxes, Lisa's Stars, and many local charity shops, so that they can be loved again by another child. :)


Kent Brammall from Conwy
Multimedia Project

I've created a website on Google sites to give All Saints Church in Deganwy an online presence. To attract new members to the Church and a collective resource for the congregation. It comprises of a welcome note with photo,brief history,a plan of the church,times of the services and a photo gallery. also very important a Google map and directions due to the secluded location and contact details.   

Multimedia Project: Pass I.T. On

During next month's Adult Learners Week, Get online Wrexham Flintshire will lauch 'Pass I.T. On', a new workshop for people who want to share basic I.T. skills with others.

The workshop offers a cost-effective, simple way to reach digitally excluded people who need or want to learn in their own surroundings, from someone they know well, as opposed to attending one of our group sessions.  The workshop requires limited resources - a PC, internet access, projector, suitable venue.

I have created a Google site which acts as a resouse for both workshop facilitators and benificiaries.    It draws the content together in one place for ease of delivery, and hosts lots of hints, tips and guides for attendees to use as a tool kit.

Access the site here.

Pete Fuller - project

My project is called TechStop and aims to develop into a self help resource for organisations, beneficiaries and colleges covering basic technology,support and assistance. A lot of problems and queries tend to come up again and again and this project aims to provide a simple and friendly point for assistance, guides and tutorials. It also offers the facility to ask a question thats response will then be added to the archive and facilitate the development of a valuable reference point for all concerned with the projects.

Information on the projects and partners along with news and information is available to the public to view but registration to the site is required for the resources and guidance. Membership requires a gmail   address and is granted by completing the request form on the right hand side of the site. Once access has been granted the rest of the site will be visible when you next log in.

My Project Idea - Chris

My project is an online space where proffessionals and young people can post ideas, share photo's/videos and create resources collectively. I'm using a Wiggio account to do this. So far, I've set up a specific group space for leaders of the John Muir Award in Flintshire. You have to have a wiggio account and be accepted onto the John Muir group to view my project. However, here is the Wiggio link! Wiggio

Craig Hughes's Project

My project revolves around the creation of a Blogger site.  The site will be used to highlight the work being carried out by Digi Môn Digidol, -  and will include a range of information including:
  • Courses near you
  • Simple "How to's"
  • Video clips
  • Useful links.
The Blog-site will form part of a number of blog sites including an overarching website which will be used to do similar roles across North wales.

Web site - 'Dip into IT and Learn'

This website is a place where the learner can go to learn new things or build on their skills through video, web links and by completing exercises along the way.  It contains a collection of aids brought together in one place and would be useful for a beginner who would find it difficult to find appropriate information for themselves.

North Wales Overarching web site

Here's a link to a website that will bring together the C2.0 initiatives from North Wales -

This project will, with a bit of luck act as a glue between the County initiatives, and act as a conduit for both potential volunteers and end users to find out who to contact locally or where to go to find a course nearby.

So send me your details and links teammates -

Steve Robinson - Project

My project is an introduction to Facebook taster session

I plant to introduce it to a class using a projector whilst they can follow the instructions at the same time on a computer.

I plan to create some screen casts to demonstrate how to set up the page and how to use it, these can then be uploaded to a blog to be shared with the class after the session has ended, the blog can also be used to share ideas and as a source of reference.

Link to follow.

Kevin Roberts North East Wales Blog

My first project has been to set up a blog to the initiative in Wrexham and Flintshire and it is designed to give information on our initiative whilst linking into an overarching website set up by my colleague, the incredibly talented Simon jones.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The new Anglesey Digi Mon Digidol Blog has just gone live.. Currently it is content free, however we will be working to resolve this very soon. feel free to comment.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Mind Map

 The above is a basic mind map showing the main sections of a proposed website to bring together the initiatives that have been set up in North Wales. This is not to replace this digital practitioner blog, or to undermine or weaken county blogs or web initiatives, but to strengthen them, and provide a central North Wales 'hub' for initiatives, practitioners and other stakeholders.
           The url will be - Updated here before long!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Possible cyber attacks on Blogs.

I came across this article on a forum, discussing possible cyber attacks on blogs. You may want to look at your security settings, especially those of you who run any organisational or corporate blogs.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

First Task - Project Idea

Sorry for the late-ness! My idea is to introduce the use of Edmodo in a couple of settings. With a group of young people who are creating memory books for Elderly people in a residential home. Edmodo will allow me to keep in contact with the group between sessions and post taks/polls. I've also set up a 'Classroom' for the volunteer centre, to share good practise and resources, instead of laborious e-mails where you have to copy everyone in.