Thursday, 28 February 2013

Session Idea by Craig Hughes

Taks: Demonstrate how to send an e-mail from an IPhone.
Equipment required: IPhone with Internet connectivity. PC or laptop with internet connectivity.
(this session will use Communities 2.0 IPhones which have email accounts pre-installed & configured)

Learning Outcome
Equipment Required
Other Comments
Students to familiarise themselves with the general look, feel and usage of the phone
Show the students the IPhone, highlighting some of the functions, allowing students to look, touch and play with the phone in order to get the feel of it, its functions and the way in which the general operations the phone.
This should include the slide function to open the general phone screen, as well as the side swipe, and centre button features.
Students to identify the email application, and become confident with the opening of the app
IPhone & E-mail App
Get students to open and close the E-mail App using the App icon and main/center button on the phone.

Student to confidently use the “New message” icon to open a blank email
IPhone & E-mail App
Open a new email, and entre the recipients address into the correct field

Write and send E-mail
IPhone & E-mail App
Student to send test message to a pre-determined email address, and send the email

Use additional functions on the E-mail App
IPhone & E-mail App
Add CC addresses to the e-mail, & Subject title to email

Confirm email has been sent to pre-determined address
PC or Laptop
Open up email sent from IPhone

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