Tuesday, 26 March 2013

First task deadline 27 March - Mel Salisbury

Get online Wrexham Flintshire is offering a workshop during Adult Learners Week (w/c 20 May) that inspires people to share their IT skills with a digitally excluded person.  This is a workshop that other Communities 2.0 teams may wish to deliver. I intend to create a Wiki that acts as a facilitator's guide, and doubles as a reference for workshop beneficiaries, collating useful links, media and resources.

Here's my (rather rudimentary) mind map, the shade to the light of your very impressive contributions!

1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic Mel - very nice idea to use a wiki for the workshop.

    To recap to what I have said to Alex and others, you may want to see if a Google Site (like a wiki) may be a good tool for you.

    Have a look at this link:

    which is on our Google Sites Notes page, and explore the links on how to make a Google site.
    With a Google site, you can also create many types of websites - with different templates, and one of the features of a Google site is that you can also upload files to the site.

    The difference is that it won't have a blog, but will look more like a complete website with links. The other advantage of a Google site is that you can also have sub-pages under pages, and you can hide some pages from view, until you want people to see them. You can also set permissions on individual pages. There are also lots of lovely templates. Check out the tutorials in the links above and see what you think.

    Great mindmap too! -Sangeet :)
