Hey guys,
Anyone got any good ideas for Adult Learners Week?? I am thinking of a day's session that has a few elements within it, that I can then replicate in other venues across the county... i have a few thoughts, but would like to come up with something that isn't going to be provided by other IT providers during this week.
Cheers guys,
An Immersive 5 day (3+2) Digital, Practitioner, Digital Leader Programme for Professionals and Others Seeking to increase Digital Participation and Inclusion run by Sangeet Bhullar from Digital and People/ WISE KIDS
- About
- Google Sites Notes
- Day 1 Exercise 1
- Day 1: Learning and Ideas
- Participants
- Day 2 Video Ideas
- Useful videos
- Day 3 Group MindMap Ideas
- Day 3 Session Ideas
- Twitter List of Participants
- Multimedia Projects
- Day 4: Internet Safety Issues
- Day 4 E-security videos
- Day 5 Feedback
- Day 5 Workshop Ideas
- Day 6 Mapping Internet Guidelines Gap
- Developments
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Extension Activity Task 1 - facebook slides
This is a really good slide show of facebook - security and settings, a 'how to' approach.
First Task (Task 1) - 27 March 2013 - Face Book Closed Group
My project
is to get a group of keen residents of an ‘extra care’ residency in Prestatyn,
where I am volunteering at the moment, onto Facebook and to create a ‘Closed
Group’ page for their sole use.
My idea is
that they could use their ‘closed group’ page as a meeting area for chat,
sharing of photos/links, and to discuss their hobbies and interests. With the residents being of ‘extra care’ they
sometimes perhaps don’t feel like coming down to the public lounge area, this
page would mean they could keep in touch with their friends and up to date with
any news without it being on full view on facebook.
I will be
creating a Blog and posting information on how a ‘Closed Group’ is beneficial
and the safety of using social network sites, this information will be aimed at
the residents, but you may also find it of benefit.
(hopefully I have done this right, fingers crossed)
closed group,
First task,
Project idea,
First Task - Deadline 27th March
I will use Screencast to create a "How-To" for YouTube.
This will guide the user through the processes involved with creating a YouTube account, uploading video clips, maintaining copyright, promoting their channel and potentially generating income.
This will guide the user through the processes involved with creating a YouTube account, uploading video clips, maintaining copyright, promoting their channel and potentially generating income.
First task - Alex Fairclough, idea 2
My second project idea is a blog dedicated to teaching people how to play basic musical instruments. It is a collation of useful sites, blogs, forums, videos and tutorials.
I taught myself to play guitar and banjo using Internet forums but found I had to research and constantly go back and forth between sites so I felt by embedding useful media within this blog would make it easier to get around.
First task - Alex Fairclough
My project idea is to create a group page on Facebook which is a help page for users. Beneficiaries will learn how to sign up and use a Facebook account within their training, and will add the help page as a group. This help page will be used by all project beneficiaries and therefore when people post problems they encounter with their digital technology, there will be a wealth of knowledge shared. Not only will this encourage interaction and improve self confidence, but it will also reinforce the learning from the training session.
First Task Deadline 27th March - Steve Robinson
Here is my brainstorm of what will be covered in my introduction Facebook course that I can deliver to beneficiaries in Wrexham and Flintshire to enable them to get started with using Facebook.
If demand was there this could also be extended to provide an introduction to Twitter.
Ideally I would deliver this using a projector and screen so that everyone can see exactly what I am doing as I go along and follow on their laptops or tablets.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
First Task Deadline 27th March - Gwenan Griffith
I'm going to create a blog containing simple user guides, screen casts, and YouTube videos on computer basics, internet, social networks, online safety and so forth. I've created this videos outlining my project idea. I've already started the blog on my project - www.penllyndigidol.blogspot.co.uk - but bear with me, it's still in it's early stages!
Extension activity. Mel Salisbury.
Why? I have never thought too deeply about how it works, 'I can show you how to work it, but I can't explain how it works.' I find this fascinating and wonder whether this insight could pique an interest in the internet amongst the sceptical or fearful factions of our digitally excluded audience, by demystifying the 'magic'.
First task deadline 27 March - Mel Salisbury
Get online Wrexham Flintshire is offering a workshop during Adult Learners Week (w/c 20 May) that inspires people to share their IT skills with a digitally excluded person. This is a workshop that other Communities 2.0 teams may wish to deliver. I intend to create a Wiki that acts as a facilitator's guide, and doubles as a reference for workshop beneficiaries, collating useful links, media and resources.
Here's my (rather rudimentary) mind map, the shade to the light of your very impressive contributions!
Here's my (rather rudimentary) mind map, the shade to the light of your very impressive contributions!
Friday, 22 March 2013
First Task Deadline 27th March - Pete Fuller
My Project is going to be a self help area for collegues and clients. Comprising of a blog where questions can be asked and answered. An archive of past questions that I hope will develop into an comprehensive resource for all and an area for video turotials and step by step guideds.
Heres my quick presentation for you all.
Heres my quick presentation for you all.
Friday, 15 March 2013
First Task Deadline 27th March - Lon Vaughan
My project involves creating screen casts to provide an introduction to Facebook for beginners.
It will follow 5 subheadings -
1. Sign up and security
2. Searching for friends
3. Different aspects of Facebook
4. Uploading photos and videos
5. Sharing links
These screen casts are aimed at an user who wishes to use Facebook for private use but could be expanded to include the possibilities for small companies or local groups.
![]() |
Introduction to Facebook - Mindmap |
Internet Tutorial
This is a simple tutorial for accessing an information website - in this case Wrexham County Borough Council.
This is a simple tutorial for accessing an information website - in this case Wrexham County Borough Council.
First Task - Sue Brushett DPL - Deadline 27 March
Drop Box Project
Drop Box Project,
First task,
Sue Brushett
Old Colwyn, Conwy, UK
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Influencing the Boffins
Influencing Local Authorities ICT Departments
In North East Wales already, across Flintshire and Wrexham, we have come up against a possible barrier to Public Engagement with Older People in residential settings. Recent experiences have shown us that there is indeed a real demand for Digital Inclusion but that two main issues arise that make the task harder for the Digital Leaders.
1.A lack of ICT facilities that make delivery possible or productive.
- No Internet at all or no wireless signal
- Local Authority Portals blocking the team from using their routers - despite there being no need or intention to access the LA network, only the broadband signal.
- No real engagement with the ICT departments of Local Authorities due to their 'silo' approach of "we cant let people access our equipment"
- "Why would older people need to have wireless set-ups in these centres?"
- "We cant just let older people have access to YouTube or Skype"
Here is a famous Youtube video of a lovely couple getting to grips with technology. Although they struggle in this clip, its worth bearing in mind that they now have a YouTube channel of their own.
Insurmountable problems?
Absolutely not, but we do need to consider the best way to influence decision making and to alter what is a mindset amongst many ICT officers that sees them paranoid about inclusion, or unaware of the benefits. So how do we achieve this?
In Wrexham and Flintshire we have funding from both Local Authorities but despite the fact that both are on board with our initiative, there remains a disconnect between decision makers in different corporate departments and ICT.
What we believe is the best way to influence important decisions is to demonstrate the benefits in stark reality. Promote the excellent work being done at the highest levels possible and make sure there is undeniable photgraphic and video evidence available.
Make sure they see it. Make sure they understand it and make sure they commit to doing something about it.
Croes Atti Flint
The Get Online Wrexham Flintshire Team recently visited a residential centre in Flint and engaged with a small group of people one of which was Evelyn, aged 100. After an introductory chat, Evelyn was soon looking at an IPAD and trying her hand at making music on one of the apps.
Whilst this was going on the team also engaged with her freinds and all, despite being of what many might consider quite senior age, were really interested in the technology.
Within 20 minutes of arriving, Evelyn was chatting to her niece in France via Skype - the very programme one officer thought was unsuitable for computers and older people. This was not necessarily a remarkable achievement because to think of it as such could patronise older people. Evelyn was shown something that could be of use, and she used it.
People renting council homes are able to set up computers and wireless broadband so why not people living in residential centres? Are they not afforded the same rights? Is it discriminatory to deny them access to the internet in whichever appropriate format they choose?
This is what we learned as a team on this visit. The value of choice and equal opportunity. It is one thing to say people are digitally excluded but quite another to consider they might be digitally discriminated against. It must be made clear that this is almost certainly due to a lack of knowledge on the part of some ICT professionals rather than any deliberate attempt to deny access, so how do we change this?
This is Evelyn at 100 years young, so youre never too old!
Project X (aka gently get the message home)
The Get Online Wrexham Flintshire team will focus over the next two months on gathering multimedia evidence to be presented to Local Authority Officers and Councillors. We will set up meetings with community groups (an excellent way to engage councillors) and also internal departments at local authorities. We will use hard evidence of ICT being used to engage with older people. This evidence can be embedded in PREZI presentations or YOUTUBE clips - set up for the initiative.
- We will establish a seperate Get Online Wrexham Flintshire blog that can easily be accessed and embedded in reports to both Local Authorities and Local AMs to promote the service.
- We will use the local press and radio stations to highlight case-studies and show the funding bodies value for money.
- We will ask other initiatives to also document the good and the bad when it comes to engaging in these centres.
By highlighting the success stories it puts us in a position where other residential centres will want to be a part of the process. By highlighting success we can surreptitiously bring issues to light and influence change. For the Initiatives in North Wales to be successful we need to influence the Local Authority ICT departments, to get them to find ways to work outside their steely and sometimes paranoid grip.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
First task Deadline 27th of March 5pm

Here are my first thoughts for an advertisement I wanted to do for G2G. It's not aimed directly at the end user, but rather at people who might signpost end users to us. At least that's the idea.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Please view this blog!!!
hey guys, just wanted to send you a link to the blog i created during our course for our project in Denbighshire.
http://digitaldenbighshire.blogspot.co.uk/ just in case you haven't already seen it.
I thought it may be a useful tool for gaining feedback from participants and for keeping participants and those with an invested interest in the project informed with progress, etc.
let me know what you think.
http://digitaldenbighshire.blogspot.co.uk/ just in case you haven't already seen it.
I thought it may be a useful tool for gaining feedback from participants and for keeping participants and those with an invested interest in the project informed with progress, etc.
let me know what you think.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
[From Melanie Salisbury] iPad vs bingo
Melanie Salisbury found this blog post on ivo and thought you should see it.
iPad vs bingo
By: Melsals
And the winner is... Bingo! At least for the majority of service users at the
older peoples residential care setting we visited today.
Our presentation was reasonably well received given that it was slotted
between two rounds of bingo and residents were poised to dobb their way to a
box of Maltesers. Unfortunately, when it came to the hands on segment, 'eyes
down' trumped iPad for all but one resident, Eddie. On a brighter note,
technology came a very, very close second to tradition for a handful of the
audience, so we're confident we'll be asked to return in the near future.
We spent over an hour going through Eddie's wishlist, which included indulging
his love of classical music via YouTube, trialling Skype and being reassured
by Pricerunner that he hadn't paid over the odds for a recent purchase. We
left feeling rather smug and satisfied!
The morals to this story? One: if familiarity is king, competition could be
futile. Two: whether one by one, or group by group, it's equally rewarding to
achieve digital inclusion. Three: persistence and determination do pay off.
Here ends the sermon.
Mel guides Eddie through his wish list at Llys Gwenffrwd in Holywell
Published: 6th March at 22:22
Copyright (c) ivo 2013
ivo is a project of Red Trust (redtrust.org)
If you have any questions about this message please contact us here: http://ivo.org/contact
iPad vs bingo
By: Melsals
And the winner is... Bingo! At least for the majority of service users at the
older peoples residential care setting we visited today.
Our presentation was reasonably well received given that it was slotted
between two rounds of bingo and residents were poised to dobb their way to a
box of Maltesers. Unfortunately, when it came to the hands on segment, 'eyes
down' trumped iPad for all but one resident, Eddie. On a brighter note,
technology came a very, very close second to tradition for a handful of the
audience, so we're confident we'll be asked to return in the near future.
We spent over an hour going through Eddie's wishlist, which included indulging
his love of classical music via YouTube, trialling Skype and being reassured
by Pricerunner that he hadn't paid over the odds for a recent purchase. We
left feeling rather smug and satisfied!
The morals to this story? One: if familiarity is king, competition could be
futile. Two: whether one by one, or group by group, it's equally rewarding to
achieve digital inclusion. Three: persistence and determination do pay off.
Here ends the sermon.
Mel guides Eddie through his wish list at Llys Gwenffrwd in Holywell
Published: 6th March at 22:22
Copyright (c) ivo 2013
ivo is a project of Red Trust (redtrust.org)
If you have any questions about this message please contact us here: http://ivo.org/contact
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Totally unrelated
Does anyone know if Sangeet uploaded the video of us all during the week to YouTube or this blog.
Could you send me the link if you have seen it online somewhere
thanks guys
Could you send me the link if you have seen it online somewhere
thanks guys
Monday, 4 March 2013
'Click' - Mobile World Congress
For those of you who are not able to watch day time tv ;) - might be of interest
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Interesting link
Just thought I would share this link with you all as it is very appropriate to what weve been learning. Lets see how many respond and comment ;)
Social media and the Israeli military
Social media and the Israeli military
Friday, 1 March 2013
Gwynedd and Conwy - mindmaps
Lesson Plan from Jane
For this you would need access to the internet, and a p.c.
You would need to have a Facebook user account.
A closed group on Facebook is a ‘community’ for a specialised subject or group of people who want to discuss subjects without interaction from people outside of their group. A place where you can chat and discuss things without it appearing on your personal feed. Unless your family and friends are members of this group they would not be able to view, contribute to the group page and also they are not able to see your comments. In other words it is private to ‘group members’ only.
The ‘closed group’ has admin who have to approve anyone wanting to join the group. This restricts the group members to those interested in the subject of the group and limits interaction from those just wishing to cause a distraction.
For this you would need access to the internet, and a p.c.
You would need to have a Facebook user account.
A closed group on Facebook is a ‘community’ for a specialised subject or group of people who want to discuss subjects without interaction from people outside of their group. A place where you can chat and discuss things without it appearing on your personal feed. Unless your family and friends are members of this group they would not be able to view, contribute to the group page and also they are not able to see your comments. In other words it is private to ‘group members’ only.
The ‘closed group’ has admin who have to approve anyone wanting to join the group. This restricts the group members to those interested in the subject of the group and limits interaction from those just wishing to cause a distraction.
Any number of topics can be discussed in the group at one
time. People can post any number of
times on any subject.
Photographs, videos, and also links to these can be
posted for members to view.
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